For young people & adults
At Markfield we have some training opportunities for young people and adults. To find out more about training at Markfield contact our Administrator.
Telephone: 0208 800 4134

Travel training is a structured programme that includes risk assessments, road safety, personal safety and different aspects of using public transport. We have funding to provide some structured travel training for young people and adults with Learning Disabilities aged 16 and over to enable them to increase their independence and confidence using public transport.

As part of our Saturday Open Access sessions funded by BBC Children in Need, we run a work experience project for young people aged 16 – 18 years old. Each placement is planned with the young person and a record is kept of their achievements; meeting targets and learning new skills. The young people receive a certificate on compoletion of the placement and can be given a reference for fututre volunteering or employment applications.

Our youth steering group for the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Information, Advice and Support Service called ‘Independent Young Advisors’ have received training about the SEND system and the new reforms from 2014. This training included sessions with staff from the Council for Disabled Children, Haringey’s SEND Information, Advice and Support Service and Independent Supporters.
“I learnt a lot about annual reviews, SENCOs and enjoyed listening to other people’s opinions.”