Participation is really important at Markfield, we want people that use Markfield to have an active role in deciding how we plan and deliver services. We have groups that help guide our work and give feedback about what it is like to come here.

The power of IYA
Independent Young Advisors (IYA) are the youth steering group for the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice & Support Service (SENDIASS), funded by Haringey Council. They help guide the way the service is planned and delivered to young people.
How to Join
IYA is for young people aged 14 to 25 with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities who are passionate about young people having a say in decisions that affect them and are willing to work together with other young people to make things happen. The group meet monthly, on Saturdays 11.30am – 2.30pm
It is free to join IYA. Please contact us if you would like to know more.
IYA have developed a guide for SEND Annual Review meetings. The guide highlights important considerations for planning and facilitating meetings in a way that are accessible and ensure children/young people can participate.

Markfield at Nite Committee
Markfield at Nite is a club for autistic or learning disabled adults. The service user committee, elected from members of the club, meets at least once a term to plan the use of their budget. The group is responsible for planning trips, activities and events as well as inviting guest speakers to the Markfield at Nite sessions, which take place on Fridays during term time.

Steering group of parent/carers
We are starting a steering group of parent/carers for the SEND Information, Advice and Support Service. The group will help guide the way the service is planned and delivered. The group will meet once a term on a Wednesday 10am – 12pm.
How to Join
The steering group is for any parent or carer of a child with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities in Haringey that can commit to attending the steering group meetings to give feedback and share ideas.
Contact us if you would like to know more.
Are you a parent or carer that has used the SEND Information, Advice and Support Service?
Please give us your feedback!
If you are unable to join the steering group but have ideas about how we can improve the service, we want to hear from you.
You can leave feedback directly with our Family Team Administrator via email or phone or request an evaluation form. We will send you an evaluation form and FREEPOST addressed envelope to return to Markfield.
Contact or call 0203 667 5233

“The session was amazing. We were able to share our experiences and give our own opinions. It was nice because I don’t often open up and give my opinions.”