There are lots of useful organisations that can provide information, sign posting, services and support to disabled people and their families. Click on the headings below for more details.

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Friday parent/carer Information Hub drop in 10am – 12pm during term time
Communities Empowerment network
Provide unique services to children and young people experiencing problems in education – school exclusions, school admissions and proper provision to meet their special educational needs
Department for Education
The Department for Education is responsible for education and children’s services.
The Good School Guide
A comprehensive listing of all the public information available on all UK schools – from addresses, head teachers and pupil numbers through to exam results
The Independent Panel for Special Education Advice, IPSEA
IPSEA is a volunteer-based organisation and many of the volunteers providing telephone advice and support at Tribunals are themselves parents of children with special educational needs who have been helped by IPSEA in the past. Volunteers providing a second professional opinion service are trained and experienced professionals working in special education, as educational psychologists, speech therapists, teachers, etc.
Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunals
Parents whose children have special educational needs can appeal to the First-tier Tribunal (Special Educational Needs and Disability) against decisions made by Local Education Authorities in England about their children’s education.
Haringey Play Association
Haringey Play Association (HarPA) will give a powerful voice to children’s play, raising awareness and understanding of the fundamental importance of play in a child’s life.
Kids Active (Play opportunities for Disabled children)
Kidsactive (formerly HAPA) is a national charity promoting play for disabled children. Today Kidsactive is recognised as a leader in the field of play which includes all children.
London Play
London Play supports & co-ordinates out-of-school play services across the capital, and campaigns for all London children’s right to play.
Speech and Language advice and support
Afasic is the UK charity, established in 1968, to help these children and young people, their families and the professionals working with them.
Afasic is a recognised training provider and we offer a range of services that include a helpline, publications, support groups, and membership.
Support for parents
Information and support for parents on how to help with your child’s learning, including advice on choosing a school and finding childcare.
Parent line plus- support line for parents
Parentline Plus is a national charity that works for, and with, parents.
Parentline Plus works to offer help and support through an innovative range of free, flexible, responsive services – shaped by parents for parents.
Independent Living
Information for carers, healthcare professionals, disabled and elderly people.
Information, news, views and products for elderly and disabled people, carers and healthcare professionals. This website is run as an open resource. You may download, copy and distribute the information here freely, provided that you credit as the source.
Contact a Family
Contact a Family is a charity providing support and advice to parents whatever the medical condition of their child.
They have a SEN helpline on 0808 808 3555
Disability Alliance
Find the latest information from leading experts for ADHD, ADD, learning disabilities and other behavioural disorders. Books, videos, audios and resource building materials are available for adults and children alike.
Family Fund information
The Family Fund is a registered charity covering the whole of the UK and is funded by the national governments of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.The Family Fund provides timely grants to families with severely disabled or seriously ill children based on families’ views and needs.
Mencap is the UK’s leading learning disability charity working with people with a learning disability and their families and carers.
National Development Team for Inclusion
The National Development Team for Inclusion is a not for profit organisation working to enable people at risk of exclusion, due to age or disability, to live the life they choose. They support policymakers, services and communities to make change happen.
The foundation for people with learning disabilities
We promote the rights, quality of life and opportunities of people with learning disabilities and their families.
The National Autistic Society
The National Autistic society are the leading UK charity for people with autism (including Asperger syndrome) and their families providing information, support and pioneering services, and campaign for a better world for people with autism. They have an extensive website with factsheets offering information on hundreds of aspects of life around autism. Haringey Autism is the local branch.
Council for Disabled Children (CDC)
The CDC is the umbrella body for the disabled children’s sector. They work collaboratively, from policy into practice, to ensure the best outcomes for children and young people in areas such as education, health, social care and participation. They have useful fact sheets on their website on topics such as the Special Educational Needs and Disability reforms and preparing for adulthood.
Preparing for adulthood
Preparing for adulthood is a partnership between the Council for Disabled children and the National development Team for Inclusion. Together they provide expert advice and training and support development of best practice in preparing young people as they move into adulthood.
National Network of Parent Carer Forums
The NNPCF membership is made up of Parent Carer Forums of which there is one in almost every local authority area in England. The function of the NNPCF is to develop cohesive good practice and effective participation and a solution focused approach at all levels, locally, regionally and nationally.
Carers UK
Carers UK are the voice of carers and is the only carer-led organisation working for all carers. Carers UK is the leading campaigning, policy and information organisation for carers. We are a membership organisation, led and set up by carers in 1965 to have a voice and to win the recognition and support that carers deserve.
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
The UK’s leading charity specialising in child protection and the prevention of cruelty to children. We have been directly involved in protecting children and campaigning on their behalf since 1884.
Legal Advice
The Children’s Legal Centre is a unique, independent national charity concerned with law and policy affecting children and young people. The Children’s Legal Centre has many years of experience in providing legal advice and representation to children, their carers and professionals throughout the UK.
How to explain autism to friends and family
How to know when your ASD child is being bullied
How to create the ultimate playroom for a child with Autism
7 rockin’ sensory play activities for kids on the spectrum
Making friends – supporting your autistic child
How to help your autistic child with day-to-day life
4 top tips for communicating with deaf children
How to childproof your home when your little one is deaf or hard of hearing
Interacting with children who are visually impaired
Choosing toys for children with vision loss
Food allergy 411 for babysitters
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