Together for Inclusion

Markfield is an inclusive community hub in Haringey where people can play, socialise and get information & support.

Our vision is a world where disabled, Deaf and autistic people are treated as equals, have a voice and can live the life they want.

Upcoming Events

Find out more of what we are up to in the upcoming months.

Term dates


SEND Power in Haringey

Improve Haringey’s Local Offer website, plus free crafts for kids! Wednesday 29th May 2024,  from 11am to 1pm at Chestnuts Community Centre, N15 5BN Every Local Authority must have a [...]

Donations are always welcome and make a huge difference to our members.

Your donation helps us to provide more training for parent/carers, family trips, toys, resources, playground developments and much more!

You can access our Just Giving page here

Or Click Here to Donate

We can also take donations by Bank Transfer.

The Co-Operative Bank

sort code: 08 92 99

Account Number: 652 873 05

Note: Please use ‘DONATION’ as reference for your transfer and, if possible, send us your details so we can thank you. Please email

or call us on 0208 800 4134

“Everyone – staff, parents, volunteers and children are so, so supportive here. It’s an amazing space with a great feeling of community spirit”